Happy Walks for Happy Dogs
Quite a bit of mud this week! But always smiling faces.
Always Learning
An amazing discussion in the The National Institute For Canine Ethics (NICE) membership group this week with guest speaker Penny @drzoolittle talking about the 7 pillars of animal longevity.
One point that came up – if you can hear your dog’s nails tapping on the floor, then they are too long. This leads to the dogs feet tilting upwards, like they’re walking up hill, and the rest of the body follows. Think of it like wearing high heels – not great for your posture doing it all the time.
If your dog doesn’t like their nails being trimmed, then get them a scratchboard (or make one out of a photoframe and sandpaper).
You can find out more about Penny’s work and 7 pillars here: https://drzoolittle.co/
Thought for the week – Feeding variety
Dogs love eating our scraps – it’s literally how they evolved 14,000 years ago. So go ahead, and sneak them a piece of carrot, or mushroom from the chopping board as you’re cooking. (Just make sure that there’s no onion or garlic, as this can be toxic).
For extra brownie points and doggy joy, the canine gut benefits from rotating the main diet proteins. So instead of buying the same food in bulk, buy lots of smaller, different flavours (kibble is less likely to go stale too).
Previous posts:
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, getting into shape, and snack to your heart’s content.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, muzzle training with a flowerpot, and a quiet space for the holidays.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, why long nails are like high heels, and give your dog some scraps.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, doggie emotions and the Cuddles cue.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, resource guarding update, and cold smells.
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