Happy Walks for Happy Dogs
Spring is (finally) in the air!! The dogs all felt it this week, with lots of extra smiles. A couple of them are still very pleased that there’s mud around

Always Learning – emotional bank accounts
This week, I learnt about the idea of an Emotional (or relationship) Bank Account. Activities that you do with your dog can be categorised as a deposit or a withdrawal. For example, a bath could be a withdrawal, a good play session would be a deposit. To maintain that wonderful bond with your dog, think about keeping a positive balance. So if bath time is necessary, make sure to compensate with lots of positive experiences either side too.

Thought for the week – February leaflet now out!
The new leaflet for February is now ready. Dog Language of Love explains how our dogs communicate their love through body language, explains the 3 second rule, and shows the ladder of calmness and aggression. You can either pick up a copy from me, or download it online.
Previous posts:
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, Emotional Bank Account, and Dog Language of Love
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, getting into shape, and snack to your heart’s content.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, muzzle training with a flowerpot, and a quiet space for the holidays.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, why long nails are like high heels, and give your dog some scraps.
- Heather’s Happy Dogs: Weekly walk photos, doggie emotions and the Cuddles cue.
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